Levi Finland – Welcome to Lapland
Miehet tunturissa

Summer in Levi

Levin keskusta drone kevattalvi

Winter adventures in Levi

lsr eturinne
Buy your lift ski passes in advance online and save

Ski passes

Levi hankikanto kevät likulumikengät
Experience long, sun-filled

days on the snow

Miehet tunturissa

Summer in Levi

Levin keskusta drone kevattalvi

Winter adventures in Levi

Inspiration and Latest News

Upcoming events

Browse experiences

midnight sun


For the visitor, the magnificent, unspoilt nature and spectacular landscapes of Levi add on to a great holiday. The preservation of these factors is easy to promote, without sacrificing any holiday spirit. Whether on holiday or at home - it is just as easy to be environmental friendly. Be a pioneer – safe the environment also during your travels!

Kesä Pallas kansallispuisto maisema

The purest air

The purest air in inhabited areas on Earth is found in Lapland. Clean air is a valuable treasure, the significance of which might not be immediately apparent.

melonta järvellä

Paddle into tranquility

Three pecfect spots for kayaking and canoeing in Levi.