Levi Ski Resort Contact Information | Levi
lsr spring

Contact Information

Customer Service

Welcome to Levi Ski Resort's Customer Service! If you have any questions you can reach us daily on winterseason between 9am and 7 pm:

Tel. 020 7960 200 or 020 7960 201Call rates: from fixed line 8,35 cents/call + 7,02 cents/min and mobile network: 8.35 cents /call + 17.17 cents / min

If you want to give us feedback, please fill out the form here.

We are constantly developing our operations and we would be grateful if you would also participate in our customer satisfaction survey.

Serviceswinter seasonsummer season
Ski Pass office Zero Point lipunmyynti@levi.fi0207960201 9.00 - 18.3010.00-18.00
Ski Pass office South Point lipunmyynti@levi.fi02079602049.30 - 17.30
Rental Zero Point vuokraamo@levi.fi0207960206 9:00 - 19:0010.00-18.00
Ski Service Zero Point vuokraamo@levi.fi0207960207 9:00 - 19:0010.00-18.00
Rental Activity Park activitypark@levi.fi0207960208 10.00-18.00
Adventure Park Activity Park activitypark@levi.fi0207960208 10.00-18.00
Rental Bike Park bikepark@levi.fi0207960209 10.00-18.00
Rental South Point vuokraamo@levi.fi0207960209 9.30 - 18.00
Ski Service South Point vuokraamo@levi.fi0207960209 9.30 - 18.00
Ski School Zero Point skischool@levi.fi0207960211 9.00 - 17.00
Ski School South Point skischool@levi.fi0207960211 9.30 - 16.00
Brand Store Zero Point brandstore@levi.fi0207960211 9:00 - 19:0010.00-18.00
Levi Shop South Point brandstore@levi.fi0207960205 9.30 - 18.00
First Aid Zero Pointfirst.aid@levi.fi0207960244 9.00 - 19.00
First Aid South Point first.aid@levi.fi0443674278 9.30 - 18.00
Customer Serviceski.info@levi.fi 0400996200
Sales Team sales.ski@levi.fi
Marketing marketing.ski@levi.fi
Feedback feedback.ski@levi.fi

Oy Levi Ski Resort Ltd

CEOJouni Palosaarijouni.palosaari@levi.fi
Commercial Director Marko Mustonenmarko.mustonen@levi.fi
Marketing & Digital Manager Essi Toikkanenessi.toikkanen@levi.fi
Mountain Operations Manager Teemu Hämäläinenteemu.hamalainen@levi.fi
Safety ManagerHeikki Saarensalmiheikki.saarensalmi@levi.fi
Sustainability Manager Tuukka Sutinentuukka.sutinen@levi.fi
Rental Manager Tuomas Tähtinentuomas.tahtinen@levi.fi
Store Manager Susanna Kantolasusanna.kantola@levi.fi
Ski School & Experience Service Manager Minna Nevalainenminna.nevalainen@levi.fi
Property Manager Antti Rauhalaantti.rauhala@levi.fi
Electricity Manager Kari Laitinenkari.laitinen@levi.fi
Office Manager Jenni Ikonenjenni.ikonen@levi.fi
ICT ManagerJani Anttilajani.anttila@levi.fi

Oy Levi Restaurants Ltd

Restaurant Operations Director Heli LehtinenTel. +358 40 706 7573heli.lehtinen@levi.fi
Restaurant Manager Riikka LaapottiTel. +358 40 713 9562riikka.laapotti@levi.fi
Kitchen Manager Tero HällforsTel. +358 40 732 6066tero.hallfors@levi.fi
Service Manager Ville RinneTel. +358 40 592 0172ville.rinne@levi.fi

PL 1, Hissitie 8
99130 Levi
Tel. +358 20 7960 200
VAT 0235780-4

PL 1, Hissitie 8
99130 Levi
Puh. 020 7960 279
Y-tunnus 1761875-5


Levi Ski Resort has a joint Whistleblowing channel with Kittilä municipality. Through this whistleblowing channel, suspicion of crime, violation, or other misconducts may be reported confidentially.

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