Mandatum Hero kuva


Mandatum is a significant financial services provider that combines expertise in money and life

Mandatum offers a wide range of services, including asset and wealth management, savings and investments, rewards and engagement, retirement planning, and personal insurance. Mandatum provides solutions for both individual customers and corporate and entrepreneurial clients.


Our mission is to create added value for our customers, employees, society, and shareholders. Our interests and our customers' interests are always aligned. Our assets and our customers' assets are on the same journey. This is how value-added differentiation is generated.

The best things, that money can't buy.


Mandatum has been a long-standing partner of Levi. Choosing the right partner has a significant impact on achieving our goals. Our comprehensive services, together with our extensive networks, help our customers succeed. Our expertise in asset management and rewards ensures access to desired results.

At the heart of our partnership is a shared vision: We want to enrich people's lives. Levi offers travel experiences and quality time together. Mandatum provides the necessary tools for preparation and wealth accumulation behind those experiences. When it comes to money and life, the choice of partner matters.

Choose both money and spirit:

Contact Mandatum here.

The official partners of Levi