Cross-country skiing in Levi – beginner-friendly easy ski tracks
Selected tips to make the most of Levi's extensive selection of ski tracks!
Levi’s versatile network of ski tracks also offers beginners and children a more even terrain for skiing. Check out the Levi ski track map and choose the right ski route that suits you. You can also plan your track route on Levi’s free track map service, where you can see real-time track maintenance status, dog tracks, track cafés and their opening hours.
Levi's ski tracks are easy to judge by the colour categorisation system familiar from the ski slopes. Ski tracks marked blue on the track map are considered easy , red medium and black difficult. Please note that the weather on the day and the prevailing weather conditions have a significant impact on the skiability of the slope and thus on the perceived difficulty.
Here are a few alternative easy routes from the Levi skiing tracks map.
1 – Via Lakes Immeljärvi and Ahvenjärvi to Lake Kätkäjärvi
Take the easy route from Immeljärvi, and even ski toward Kätkäjärvi, where an excellent ski track café will open in the spring. This route is also easily accessible from the main starting points A and B on the Levi skiing tracks map.
From Kätkäjärvi you can also easily reach Kätkätunturi if you don't want to ski the same route back. From Kätkänlaavu, the tips of your skis turn back towards Levikeskus, and you can stop off at Riihi or Saunabaari on the way if you wish. The total length of the route is then a good 16 kilometres from starting point A back to the same place.
2 – From South Point to Sammuntupa or to Lapinkylä
Suppose you don't ski all the way to Kätkäjärvi but turn left at the t-junction before Kätkäjärvi. In that case, you will be able to reach the South Slopes along the easy route. The crossing of the Kitttilä-Levi road on this route is marked in black on the skiing tracks map, but in reality the ascent and subsequent descent is not very challenging.
From the South Slopes, you can pick the easy track all the way to Sammuntupa, for example. This track offers a beautiful wilderness atmosphere and experinece under the captivating Levitunturi. Another popular option from the South Slopes is to ski to Lapinkylä. The length of the ski routes from South Point can be easily varied to suit your fitness and the weather on the day.
3 – From Lake Levijärvi towards Köngäs
As winter ensues, the easy blue skiing tracks from Levi towards Luvattumaa, the Elves' Village and Rautuskyla open as the ice on the lakes and swamps start to withstand the weight of the cross-country ski trail groomer.
A popular place to start these ski trips north from Levi is the parking lot at Levijärvi. An easy alternative is to head across Lake Levijärvi to Luvattumaa. This is a good four kilometres from the starting point. The next logical step is to Marja-Leena's rest shelter. A good place to take a break if necessary, and a refinement of the route plans according to weather conditions.
From here you can easily continue your journey, for example, all the way to the village of Köngäs. An alternative route leads towards Rautuskylä, if you don't want to take the shortest route back to the starting point.

Also take note of the following tips when planning a ski trip in Levi:
Real-time skiing track conditions and track groomer's location on map do not tell the whole story. In a hard wind or in snowfall on open stretches, even an easy trail can quickly turn into a difficult one.
If possible, start your skiing trip into a headwind or at least try to avoid a direct return trip into a headwind. This will ensure you have enough energy and a pleasant run until the end.
In bad weather, usually it is easiest to ski in the shelter of the forest at your own pace.
In windy conditions, a turn on the skiing tracks often changes the conditions. At T-junctions, try and observe whether it becomes more difficult or easier to ski in the new direction.
Observe your surroundings and, if possible, enjoy nature without headphones to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Read more about safety tips on Levi's skiing trails.
Also check out the tips for skiing with children in Levi.
See also examples of longer ski tours in Levi.
You can also purchase a paper track map from the Visit Levi tourist Information Centre.