Feel Levi – The colours of earth and sky
Feel Levi värit revontulet

Feel Levi – The colours of earth and sky

Levi’s nature offers endless shades and hues.

Colour is light, and light is colour

Empowering red. Energetic orange. Calming, grounding brown. Soothing shades of blue. Harmonious, hopeful green. 

Colours affect the wellbeing of both body and mind. Some even say that they heal. The moods brought on by colours are reflected in our lives and leave traces in our memory and culture. 

The changing seasons paint the arctic landscape every colour imaginable, allowing the observer to choose the shades that touch them the most. 


Midsummer is a period of rapid growth, even up north. The continuous light of the midnight sun inspires plants that normally live under harsh conditions to grow fast and flourish. 

Feel Levi ruska nainen

Autumn, the season of change, is a display of friendly, warm colours. Leaves on trees glow in shades of red and yellow, but the colours on the ground are even brighter. The boulder fields of Levi display a wide array of greys. Reindeer fur shines in its earthly tones. When you stop and look, you realize that there is more than one shade of grey. 

Feel Levi kaamos maisema

During the polar night season, the sun paints the Levi sky in pastels. The scenery alternates between gentle, delicate shades and complete darkness. When the sun never rises, the light remains soft, leaving room for more subtle colours. 

Feel Levi hanki talvi

In the winter, the soft blanket of snow turns everything almost monochrome. The all-encompassing whiteness is a dramatic experience. Even the sky seems to have lost its colour. In contrast, other colours glow brighter than usual. 

Endless inspiration 

Nature inspires both locals and visitors alike to appreciate the entire colour spectrum, each in their own way. The abundance of colour has an effect on people, noticeable in all kinds of colourful personas that you may come across in Levi. 

Feel Levi saami puku

The Gákti, the traditional Sami dress, with its vibrant colours is eye-catching. Everything from the style to the colour and the embroidery tells a story about the wearer’s background. It is a vital part of Sami culture going back centuries. When wearing a gákti, a Sami person is not only representing herself, but also her family, her region, and her people.   

The Levi region is home to several interesting galleries and museums hosting works by local artists. The surrounding nature is often the theme. 

Feel Levi Särestö taulut

Reidar Särestöniemi (1925-1981) was the most significant Lappish artist of his time. The colours of nature are front and centre in his large paintings. The gentle red sun of a summer night, the glistening frost in a birch grove, the turquoise glow of the evening, and the soft brown of a bear’s fur. 

Feel Levi värit metsä

In Levi, the visitor gets to experience what life is like for a local by trying out their hobbies and exploring customs. Spending time in nature, learning wilderness skills, fishing and hunting, as well as making colourful handicraft items are all inseparable parts of the lifestyle. The locals want to share what they themselves hold close to their hearts. 

Feel Levi värit evästely ruoka

Up north, you can taste colours by picking berries, foraging mushrooms, collecting herbs, and hunting game. According to the folklore passed on by local elderly people, one must never go in the forest at the end of summer without a couple of buckets - who knows what treasures one might find! Nature is the basis of all life. To locals, it is a way of life. 

Feel Levi värit metsä

The gate to the forest is open. Step in and touch the colours of the forest. 

Feel Levi värit mustikka

Best when you pick it yourself. In Levi, you can pick fresh Lappish berries with your own hands. 

Feel Levi hilla marja värit oranssi

Energetic orange. The combination of bittersweet cloudberry and delicately creamy bread cheese is unforgettable.  

Feel Levi värit luonto ruoka

The best nature has to offer. The treasures of the forest are within arm’s reach. The locals are secretive about certain places known to be rich in berries and mushrooms, but in the forests there is plenty for everyone to pick.  

The majestic colours of the sky 

People come to Levi seeking experiences that stay with them forever. Witnessing dancing green fires in the sky can leave you breathless and momentarily pull you into another reality.  

Terhi Tuovinen

Experiencing the Northern Lights is magical for everybody. One can’t grow tired of them. 

Wherever you look, the colours will leave a lasting impression on your memory and your soul. 

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