Levi etiquette – a guide for visitors to our beloved village
Levi keskusta kylä drone talvi ilmakuva

Levi etiquette – a guide for visitors to our beloved village

In Levi, you are the guest of honour. With these tips, you are guaranteed to be welcome back again.

Levi is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Finland, offering unforgettable experiences all year round. To ensure that everyone enjoys their holiday to the full, it is important to follow a few simple rules. The tips below will help you to enjoy and respect the unique nature of the area, the local people and other visitors.

1 Note the specific characteristics of the area

Levi's popular tourist centre is located in the village of Sirkka, which is home to around 1000 residents. Over 700 000 tourists from all over the world visit our beloved home village every year. By respecting others and local customs, you will ensure that your trip is remembered for its positive experiences.

It's easy to understand how the high number of visitors can be reflected in the streetscape of a small village during the busiest times of the year. However, in Levi, tourists and locals mingle in harmony. In the compact, small village centre, most services are within walking distance. Avoid unnecessary driving by car and make sure that your parking does not obstruct or impede the passage of others.

2 Respect others and remember manners

Even if you are on a well-deserved holiday in Levi, remember that locals live their daily lives here. It is also important to be considerate of other travellers, as you will meet people from all over the world in Levi. Be friendly and open to new people. Many long lasting friendships have started with a random meeting in Levi.

Remember to respect local customs and culture too. Community, respect for others, helping others and hospitality are northern traditions and values to respect. But also giving others their own space. Show respect. For example, don't arrive too early for a visit or an activity trip – or too late.

3 Follow the rules for safety

Lots of people in a small area means it's important to be aware of the rules on what you're doing. Any rules are not there to annoy you, but for the common good and safety of all. Even if others are doing something, make sure that what you are doing is genuinely allowed, desirable and safe.

An example of this would be the ski slopes of Levi. Know the rules beforehand and follow them. Give other skiers space, don't ski too close to others. Also give space in the lifts, as there is only room for a certain number of people at a time. Enjoy your after skiing responsibly and remember that too much alcohol can impair your ability to function and judge.

4 Remember your neighbours and surroundings

Enjoy your holiday while respecting the environment and your neighbours. A quiet night's sleep, a tidy yard and peaceful animals will make your holiday more enjoyable for everyone. Avoid disturbing noises, especially at night (22:00-07:00) and respect local residents and their yards. For example, when you go to see the Northern Lights, don't go into other people's yards.

Remember that Lapland is also home to many animals. Stay within your host's comfort zone by not disturbing the animals either. Keep a sufficient distance from animals, do not feed them without permission and keep your pets on a leach. Collect their droppings from managed areas of the village. Be a good neighbour.

5 Leave without a trace

Levi is a great place to spend time in the middle of nature. However, Lapland's arctic nature is very fragile. Hike and move only on marked trails. Don't litter. Take a rubbish bag with you on your hikes, it's nice to come to a litter-free rest area and leave it clean for the next ones. Litter left in the wild is also annoying and dangerous to animals.

Litter on the ground also stands out from the streets in the village centre. Cigarette butts, snus and beverage cans do not belong as litter on the ground or in the street, but in trash bins. Always. When you leave Levi, sort your rubbish correctly at recycling eco-points where possible.

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We warmly welcome you as our guest. Thank you for respecting the good manners we value!

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