Ruskamarathon victory to Norway – Winner Roponen with a "hunting instinct"

Ruskamarathon victory to Norway – Winner Roponen with a "hunting instinct"

This year’s Ruskamarathon once again gathered a huge number of runners to the breathtaking landscapes of Levi Fell, with nearly 1,700 eager participants taking part in six different distances. The event took place Saturday, September 14th, for the 41st time, and the autumn foliage provided perfect conditions for runners, both first-timers and veterans alike.

Ruskamarathon attracted participants from all over the world. The men’s full marathon was won by Norway’s Svein Roger Kaspersen with a time of 2:44:07. Finland’s Jukka Vaara took second place with a time of 3:00:52, and Sweden’s Andreas Salmi came in third with a time of 3:08:05.

- This was a tough race for me. The first lap around the fell was difficult, but the second one went better. I might not have fully recovered from last weekend’s mountain biking competition," said Svein Roger Kaspersen. This was his first Ruskamarathon but his third marathon this year.

The women’s full marathon champion was also Norwegian, with Kaisa Hjelløkken claiming victory with a time of 3:11:18.


Trailrun victory again for Riitta-Liisa Roponen

Once again, cross-country skiing star Riitta-Liisa Roponen dominated the 16 km Trailrun, securing her third consecutive victory in this distance with a time of 1:09:53. Jenna Puljujärvi took second place with a time of 1:14:29.

- I was really nervous again before the start, but after the first kilometer, I remembered why I do this. It’s so great to push yourself. When I put a race bib on, I get this drive and hunting instinct. I had decided before the race to run my own pace, but honestly, I kept glancing back the whole time to see where the others were," Roponen said at the finish line.

Significant increase in participants

This year, a total of 1,675 runners took part in the Ruskamarathon, which is a 25% increase from last year. According to race director Jari Kinnunen, the timing was particularly successful, with the autumn colors at their peak and more people around than in previous years.

- The number of participants has steadily increased over the past three years, and this year we saw a significant jump. Many local businesses and partners have joined in, and this year we were able to distribute prizes worth a total of 13,000 euros," Kinnunen said.

All Ruskamarathon results:

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