Safety in the fells - 3 easy tips
Helly Hansen hike Käntätunturi

Safety in the fells - 3 easy tips

Keep these safety tips in mind when you're out in nature.

More and more people are fascinated by the northern fells and nature. By being aware of a few key lessons, you can reduce and avoid the likelihood of accidents while enjoying Lapland's stunning nature.

1 Plan, plan, plan

Before heading out, pause for a moment and make three plans for your trip into the backcountry.

An actual plan for what you'll be doing out on the trail.

A back-up plan if the actual plan cannot be carried out, for example if the weather changes suddenly.

An emergency plan in case something unexpected happens.

Prepare for surprises in advance. Make sure you have enough clothing, hydration and first aid supplies for each plan. Be aware that it is not always your own fault that an accident happens, and you may need to help someone else.

2 Make sure the information is up to date

Before you go out, check and confirm the feasibility of your plans and the key factors that will affect them.

What kind of weather is in the forecast? Will there be wind, thunder or rain? Any sudden changes?

What are the conditions on the route you are planning? For example, will there be maintenance work or other abnormalities in the national park that will prevent the use of rest stops along the route?

Is there an avalanche risk in the area? Any other special considerations due to the time of year or weather conditions?

Is the map you are using up to date or out of date?

Another key thing to consider is communication within the group and making sure everyone is equally informed about the plans where we are going, what kind of trip this is, what equipment and skills are needed.

Before and during the trip, it is a good idea to inform others about the plans in case of possible getting lost, for example, by means of the guest books in the open wilderness huts.

3 Practise in advance

Practise carefully in advance the use of your recreational and safety equipment. This training will give you the skills and therefore the ability to deal with any situations that may arise.

For example, think about what you need to survive a planned hike or activity in the outdoors. Get the necessary equipment. Regularly practise how to use them.

Learn how to navigate and how to use a map and compass. There are many areas in Lapland where mobile phone map applications do not work due to telephone network coverage.

Familiarise yourself with first aid equipment well in advance. Learn how to use them properly and practise also giving instructions to others.

Download the 112 app on your mobile phone in advance. Learn how to use it.

Learn and practice not only individual skills, but also group skills where possible. Identify the risks and the risk tolerance of those involved. Define the limits of safe behaviour for example, when to stop an excursion or activity.

Oula-Matti Peltonen Helly Hansen

The tips were inspired by the Outdoor Safety with Helly Hansen lecture by safety trainer Oula-Matti Peltonen at the Levi Bike & Outdoor Fest 2024 event.

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