Skiing with dogs
You can also bring your furry friend along to some of Levi’s cross-country skiing trails.
Levi's cross country skiing trails with dogs
Levi's dog tracks are marked on the map and on the terrain with a dog symbol. For safety reasons, it is only allowed to ski with a dog on the marked dog trails.
The dog trail network in Levi is about 36 kilometres long. North of Levi, the Levi-Köngäs-Rautuskylä trail is approximately 28 kilometreslong. Between Kätkätunturi and Levitunturi fells, the Levi-Immeljärvi-Kätkäjärvi-Nuottijärvi trail is about 8 kilometres. You can also find approximately 7 kilometres of dog trails in Kittilä village.
It is easy to find and get to the dog tracks going to Köngäs village, as the dog trail starts from the parking area in Levijärvi on Järvirovantie. For example, you can ski from Levijärvi over the lake and ski even further to the Elves Village (Tonttula).
Alternatively you can reach the Elves Village (Tonttula) by car or taxi and start your cross-country skiing journey from there.
Another dog trail goes towards Kätkä, crossing first the frozen Immeljärvi lake in Levi and skiing on towards Kätkäjärvi and Nuottijärvi, about 8 kilometres in each direction.
The municipality of Kittilä offers cross country skiing trails with dogs. The track starts from Lämpökeskus, located at Linnatie 15, and continues through Isovaarantie to Honkavaara's loop to the Väliauttontie intersection. This trail measures about 7 kilometres in each direction.
Things to keep in mind when skiing with your dog:
The most important thing to remember is to keep your dog on a leash all the time when skiing.
You will need a traction harness suitable for the dog, a traction belt, and an elastic strap to be fastened between the traction belt and the harness, in addition - of course - to your normal ski equipment.
Ski at a safe pace for yourself, your dog and other skiers.
Be prepared for surprises and try to anticipate situations, especially when encountering other skiers.
It is common practice to let another skier or dog skier know in good time from which side you are overtaking.
Refrain your dog from pooing on the cross country skiing trail and should this happen, pick up your dog excrements.
Make sure your dog does not step on the traditional (classic style) skiing tracks while you are skiing.
Walking with your dog(s) on the cross country skiing tracks is prohibited.