Where to cast - Local tips for fly fishing

Where to cast - Local tips for fly fishing

Are you coming to Lapland to fish? The numerous waterways surrounding Levi offer good fishing spots for both experienced fishermen and beginners!

Miki Pahkala, a Levi local, says the fly fishing season starts as soon as the rapids open in May and ends in September. Pahkala goes fishing several times a week when there is no snow, as there are numerous good rivers and rapids in and around Levi.

- Enjoying nature is an important part of the fishing experience. Here in Lapland, you can mainly be in your own solitude, especially if you take the time to go a little further afield," says Miki Pahkala.

And when you're in the north, you might be accompanied by gnats, but Miki has a good tip for that.

- The highest numbers of bugs are in July and August. I recommend getting a bugstopper shirt to protect you from bugs as well as the sun.

If you are staying in Levi, the easiest fly fishing spot is in the Ounasjoki river, known for its whitefish, in the direction of Taalovaara.

- Torpanniva is a great and easy place to go fishing. At the end of the gravel road leading to the riverbank is a hut and a good grayling spot flows in front of it. A few kilometres down from here, another good spot, Riikonkoski, starts," says Pahkala.

Torpanniva is a popular spot because of its accessibility, so if you want more privacy, head up the Ounasjoki river towards Tepasto, where you'll find several rapids of varying sizes. The wilderness fishing atmosphere can be found in smaller rivers such as the Aakenus and Kapsa rivers. The rivers are narrower and the banks a little more difficult to navigate.

For easy and fun fishing, join one of the fishing trips organised by Levi's programme companies. Book your guided fishing experience here.

You can easily get a regional fishing permit from Levi Tourist Information - see here for details.

Tight lines!


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