Ailu Family Fun
Ailu Family Fun 1

Ailu Family Fun

The play area at the spa covers about 300 square meters and boasts a bouncy castle, ball pond, climbing apparatus, toys etc. for children to enjoy.

Ailu the Reindeer and all children think that the Ailu Family Fun children’s world is absolutely their favourite place in the hotel. Everyone loves Ailu Family Fun, babies, and grandpas alike. The children’s world has everything you need for having fun: you can build an igloo, climb on a snowflake, frolic around in a foam rubber pit, and throw snowballs with permission!

Parents/guardians are responsible for their children

See all Levi's opening hours from here.

Levi Hotel Spa Resort, Levintie 1590 99130 Levi

Levi Hotel Spa Resort, Levintie 1590 99130 Levi

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