Feast of Reindeer at Kammi

Feast of Reindeer at Kammi

Restaurant Kammi offers traditional Lappish delicacies and unique atmosphere.

Restaurant Kammi was named after a simple over­night shelter the Sami people traditionally built from mountain birch and peat. You will sense the Kammi at­mosphere the moment you cross the threshold. The open fire, the reindeer pelts, the flickering candles – everything combines to create an unforgettable dining experience.

Kammi serves the Reindeer Feast which is a true ce­lebration of Lappish slow cooking. As fitting for a fe­ast, the amount of food will take you by surprise. You will taste reindeer sausages, kota-smoked reindeer roast, sautéed reindeer, pork spareribs, salmon, po­tato butter, jacked po­tatoes, and a few more things.

Feast of Reindeer me­nu based on the same traditional recipes has been served for 20 yea­rs. Night after night, yet more satisfied diners step out into the Levi night, very full but al­ways very cheerful. So­me say it is the food and the atmosphere, some say it has somet­hing to do with the wild mushroom salad. There is a way to know for sure, come and try yourself!

See all Levi's opening hours from here.