Restaurant Ämmilä
Restaurant Ämmilä offers traditional local food with a modern twist since 2007. Over the years, the restaurant has become famous for its honest and authentic Laplandic á la carte menu as well as its home-cooked lunch buffet.
Over the years, Restaurant Ämmilä in Levi has become famous for its honest and authentic Laplandic á la carte menu as well as its home-cooked lunch buffet.
The á la carte menu is based on guaranteed clean and excellent raw goods from producers in the nearby areas. Depending on the season, the menu includes trapped willow grouse, game from nearby reindeer herder communities and fish in many different forms, not to mention Laplandic berries and the world’s best puikula potato (almond potato) and more. The excellent wine list or a Hullu Poro schnapps will complement your dinner will make your experience perfect.

Rakkavaarantie 3, 99130, Sirkka
Rakkavaarantie 3, 99130, Sirkka