In 2019, Levi Ski Resort launched new waste sorting symbols for the Levi area
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In 2019, Levi Ski Resort launched new waste sorting symbols for the Levi area

Levi Ski Resort launched new waste sorting symbols for the entire Levi tourism area at the Levi World Cup in 2019. The symbols were developed in collaboration with the Municipality of Kittilä and Lapeco.

There was a demand for better recycling opportunities in the Levi area, both from residents and tourists. Levi Ski Resort had long been working towards improving sorting and recycling, aiming to make it more efficient and enabling customers to recycle even in the fell area. The ski resort area features 27 fell trash bins designed to encourage customers to sort their waste on the slopes. These fell trash bins allow for the sorting of three different types of waste: combustible waste, bottles and cans, and plastic waste.

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- Sorting has been in use at Levi Ski Resort for a long time, but we are constantly seeking new solutions. We sort all our waste in collaboration with seven different partners, and we have a total of 18 different waste categories. During the update of the sorting guide, it became apparent that there were no uniform sorting symbols available. Therefore, we decided to design them ourselves to implement uniform waste sorting symbols throughout the Levi tourism area," explain the company's environmental managers, Heikki Saarensalmi and Tuukka Sutinen.

The new waste sorting symbols for the Levi tourism area were launched for the first time during the Levi World Cup. During the World Cup, the updated waste sorting symbols could be spotted on the sorting bins in the area.

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The renewed waste sorting symbols can be found on the fell trash bins.

The waste sorting symbols, now in use throughout the entire Levi tourism area, were handed over to Visit Levi, which continued the rollout of the symbols across the region. The waste management in the Levi tourism area is continuously being developed, and the Municipality of Kittilä is coordinating the Levi Area Waste Management Development Plan project. This project's goal is to improve the waste management in the tourism area, particularly regarding waste sorting and recycling. The project also prepares for the stricter recycling requirements in legislation.

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The new waste sorting symbols are in use throughout the entire Levi tourism area.

In recognition of our systematic efforts to protect our Arctic operating environment, Levi Ski Resort's environmental management system received the international ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification in 2018, the first ski resort in the Nordic countries to do so. In August 2020, Levi Ski Resort was also awarded the Sustainable Travel Finland label.

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